At Orwell Park pupils have access to sport in two different formats. Pupils have one double lesson of PE per week as well as four games sessions which include a comprehensive fixture programme.

PE lessons at Orwell Park begin in the Nursery with pupils undertaking spatial awareness, teambuilding and coordination activities to begin their physical development. As the pupils move up through the school, the topics they cover become more sport-specific with pupils in Years 1 and 2 being introduced to hockey, tag rugby, cricket, athletics and outdoor and adventurous activities including assault course, orienteering and cross country. Pupils also undertake weekly swimming sessions throughout the year in Years 1 and 2.

In the Main School, PE lessons focus on sports which pupils don’t cover in Games. This is to ensure pupils are exposed to a range of individual and team sports throughout their time at the school. Across Years 3 to 8, these sports include swimming, athletics, cross country, orienteering, team building, basketball, badminton, gymnastics and dance. Inter-school athletics, swimming and cross country events are entered as well as Inter-House Sports Days and Galas which provide all pupils with a competitive environment in which to perform.

Half-termly self, peer and teacher assessments ensure that pupils are aware of the level they are currently performing at, as well as setting targets for the future in all the sports covered as part of the PE programme.