Old Orwellians
Lost touch with the Old Orwellian community? Whenever you joined the Orwell Park family, we’re delighted you’d like to stay in touch.

Events for Old Orwellians are held throughout the year at the School and elsewhere, and we always welcome visits from alumni back at Orwell Park.
Our next event is our Drinks in the City gathering in London. View the calendar below to learn more.
If you left the school over fifty years ago, you’re also automatically enrolled as a member of our Half Century Club. There is a lunch once a year specifically for the Half Century Club which is held alternately in London or at school in November.
View the calendar for upcoming events.

An Old Orwellian newsletter is published three times a year. Contributions and news from Old Orwellians are always gratefully received. Click ‘Register’ at the top of the page to ensure you are signed up to receive the latest news.
Digital Archive
Thanks to a generous group of Old Orwellians, we were able to fundraise to launch a Digital Archive with documents and photos from 1940-1990. Click below to register and start exploring. Please note that requests for access are approved manually - please allow 1-2 working days for your request to be approved.

150th Anniversary Book
Orwell Park School: A Celebration of 150 Years by Edwina Langley provides a detailed and fascinating history of Orwell Park from 1868 to the present day. Copies are available to purchase for £40 with £5.50 for p&p (please note an additional £1 is added to the cost of the book when paying online in order to cover card processing fees). Alternatively, you can pay by cheque - please make cheques payable to Orwell Park School and clearly mark ‘150th Anniversary Book’.
Read stories from Old Orwellians across time. Many of these stories were originally featured in the Old Orwellian Newsletter.
You can also send us your story