“Excellent at fostering independence, especially with regards prep and personal organisation. [Our son] is becoming a well rounded, inquisitive, polite and charming young man.” - Parent Survey 2021
Orwell Park offers academic challenge to all children and learning support for those who need it.
Our Prep School employs motivated teachers with a passion for their subject, who will encourage academic self-reliance, helping all children in time to take responsibility for their own learning and personal organisation.

Orwell Park offers academic challenge to all children and learning support for those who need it. In the classroom, a traditional curriculum (including Latin fromYear 6 onwards) is taught, using the most modern methods. Our Prep School employs motivated teachers with a passion for their subject, who will encourage academic self-reliance, helping all children in time to take responsibility for their own learning and personal organisation.
The curriculum offers breadth as well as academic rigour and all pupils in Years 3-8 have timetabled Art, Design and Technology and Drama. Children live in a digital world and at Orwell Park they are supported in their learning by Apple technology throughout the school; including two IT rooms, a Music Technology room, IT hubs in Art and Design and Technology, as well as access to mobile devices.
Learn more about our Curriculum
Senior Schools
All children enjoy considerable success in their final examinations, many winning scholarships to their senior schools. In recent years, Orwell Park pupils have passed to the following schools:
Ampleforth, Benenden, Brighton College, Cheltenham Ladies’, Culford, Downe House, Eton, Felsted, Framlingham, Gordonstoun, Gresham’s, Haileybury, Harrow, Ipswich, King’s Canterbury, Marlborough, Millfield, Milton Abbey, Oakham, Oundle, Radley, Repton, RHS, Rugby, Sedbergh, Shrewsbury, St Mary’s Ascot, Stowe, The Leys, Tonbridge, Tudor Hall, Uppingham, Wellington, Westminster, Winchester, Woodbridge and Wycombe Abbey.
Pastoral Care
Children have the opportunity to take on meaningful leadership roles throughout their time at Orwell Park, for example sports team captains. At the top of the school the Head Boy and Head Girl have a key role in setting an example to their peers and the younger pupils and their duties include welcoming visitors to the school and addressing the whole school community on Speech Day. Senior pupils also act as Prefects and Sub Prefects, House Captains and Assistant House Captains, Boarding Captains and Peer Listeners, as well as members of the School Council, the Boarders’ Forum, Catering Committee and Pupils’ Academic Focus Group.
Children are encouraged to think of others, including those less fortunate than themselves. Each year the school supports a local, a national and an international charity and the pupils, in particular the School Council, take the initiative in organising fund raising events, whether it be a school swimathon or making and selling cakes for The Great Orwell Bake Off.

Visit or Contact Us
To see our school and learn more about life at Orwell Park for Prep pupils, please arrange a visit or attend one of our upcoming open days.