Military Families
Orwell Park is incredibly proud to welcome the children of service personnel into its family and in doing so we offer a competitive fee remission in conjunction with Continuity of Education Allowance provided by the MOD. Orwell Park is very proud of its traditions and our links with the military extend to the Desert Rats who were stationed at the School during the war, preparing their landing craft for D-Day. We count many children among our current community who have a military connection because we fully understand the unique needs of both the pupils and their parents.
Orwell Park is at its core a traditional boarding school and so it has become an obvious choice for military families. Not only is our academic provision outstanding but our strong family ethos and focus on pastoral care is something that attracts families from far and wide. We benefit from one of the most beautiful locations a prep school might hope for and our extensive grounds which overlook the River Orwell create a magical environment for children to grow up in. The boarding model at Orwell Park offers a 7 day a week home from home for flexible, weekly and full boarders; we are proud to say that our boarding community is fun, vibrant, caring and supportive. With a strong complement of boarders staying in school at weekends, we are able to provide a broad and exciting programme of Sunday trips and activities; this programme is fully embedded into life at Orwell Park, is led by resident members of teaching and boarding staff, and greatly enriches our pupils’ education.
The rules, as set out by the MOD, state that CEA parents are expected to fund a minimum level of 10% of the school's fees. The combination of the CEA funding and the Orwell Park fee remission for military families provides a very attractive offer as it leaves only a relatively small sum left to be funded by the parents directly. Please see table below for details: