
Mathematics can stimulate moments of pleasure and wonder when a problem is solved for the first time, or a more elegant solution to a problem is discovered, or when hidden connections are “seen” or understood.

Teaching mathematics goes beyond the acquisition of knowledge (how to calculate the area of a triangle, accurately measuring angles) to develop skills required to perform in most, if not all other, subjects (sorting and analysing information; drawing conclusions from the information; ‘brainstorming’ new ideas; problem-solving; determining cause and effect; evaluating options).

The Reception to Year 6 programme follows the National Curriculum while Years 7 and 8 follow the Common Entrance Curriculum. The programme is designed to develop each individual pupil’s ability to learn and understand mathematical concepts, formulae and terminology; reason (numerically, algebraically, and geometrically); solve problems; and to handle data. As such, we strive to set challenging targets with high expectations for all pupils (including neatness of presentation and layout of work) and offer a variety of approaches to teaching and learning to engage and motivate pupils, which demand their active participation. We aim for each pupil to be able to:

  • Develop numeracy fluency and mathematical knowledge to the required demands for entry to the secondary school of their choice;

  • Reason logically;

  • Set out a rational argument;

  • Approach problems systematically;

  • Choose appropriate techniques for their solution;

  • Follow clearly expressed, logical instructions;

The implications are that pupils are:

  • organised in ability sets;

  • pupils are provided with the appropriate support, aids and interventions when identified as necessary;

  • given feedback that shows how they can achieve at a higher level;

  • encouraged to tackle problem-solving tasks;

  • feeling that they can contribute in the classroom.