Trips & Activities
Orwell Park has bustling calendar of trips and activities to enrich pupils’ learning throughout the year
Trips & Activities at Orwell Park
Trips: Orwell Park operates a broad and varied range of trips. These cover international opportunities at Mayo College in India, canoeing down the Ardèche river in France and developing the use of the French language in Normandy, to UK-based sports and music tours, residential activity trips to PGL, and local trips including: Hedingham and Walsingham Castle, Minsmere nature reserve, camping and undertaking expeditions as part of the OPS Challenge programme, and visiting parts of the ever-changing coastline of Suffolk. In experiencing day and residential trips as part of the Orwell Park curriculum, we ensure pupils have access to opportunities which will enhance their physical and mental well-being, develop friendships and bonds with their peers, and create memories which will last a lifetime.
Activities: A range of afternoon activities are run on non-games days and all activities aim to provide a period of structured enjoyment and are both numerous and diverse. The school has variations on afternoon activities for different year groups.
Middle School: During the year, Middle School pupils are involved in a structured (carousel) activity each week designed to give them an experience of high value. They are also given the opportunity to select from an activity from several options. This provides them with the opportunity to explore and develop current and new interests.
Years 6 and 7: Pupils in these year groups have one session of OPS Challenge each week, an internal scheme run along the lines of the Duke of Edinburgh award. The remaining activity may be selected by the pupil.
Year 8: Pupils in Year 8 are expected to complete one work extra session each week in preparation for Common Entrance scholarship examinations. This additional activity may be selected by the pupil.
On-site, pupils can take part in a range of clubs and activities including Blueys & Goldies boys’ and girls’ club, science club, chess club, touch typing, gymnastics, karate, LAMDA and the school play, Monday Night Sport, a kit car club and a wide range of sports including rugby, squash, football, netball, tennis and more.
This Autumn term’s activities are:
Years 3 & 4: Choice of Strength & Conditioning, Woodland & Village Games, Eco Club. Pupils also play Chess in Year 4, and take part in a carousel of activities in Year 3: Golf, Music and Drama, Tennis; Squash, Touch Typing, Hobby Crafts.
Years 5 & 6: Choice of Golf, Eco Club, Christmas Crafts, Music, Girls’ Rugby, Science Club, Pantomime, Netball, Woodland & Village Games, Strength & Conditioning, and the OPS Challenge (Year 6 only).
Years 7 & 8: Choice of Kit Car Construction, Scholars’ and Senior Art, Tennis, Squash, Mugga Football, Strength & Conditioning, Girls’ Rugby, School Play Rehearsal.
In addition, there are several activities that are run by specialist external providers for which there is a charge: Blueys and Goldies (Years 4 & 5); Skiing, Karate, Street Dancing (Years 3-8); Clay Pigeon Shooting, Sailing (Years 5-8); Photography (Year 7).
Annual Motorsport Day
The Motorsport School Team Challenge is a whole day event (2021 is the fourth time we've run it) featuring as part of the Leavers’ Course. It involves a range of motorsport-related activities such as simulator driving and a pit stop challenge, as well as team management, design and accounting challenges and a small display of real racing cars, as well as a pupil-led media team who are responsible for filming and streaming the event.
This year saw a number of adults volunteering, including two video production specialists, a former British Touring Car racing driver and a motorsport management specialist called Jess Shanahan (known as the Racing Mentor), all of whom are based in the region. The event is led by Mr Horton and his son Tom (himself an aspiring local racing driver) and is funded entirely from the children writing to local, national and even international companies for sponsorship. We are grateful to everyone who sponsored and supported the event this year - thank you!