Boarders Packing List
Pyjamas (Flexi 1 pair | Weekly / Full 2 pairs)
Dressing Gown
Slippers with hard soles (1 pair)
Towels (Flexi 1 | Weekly / Full 2)
Clean underwear, socks (mid-grey for boys, blue for girls) and tights (Flexi 1 set | Weekly 5 sets | Full 7 sets)
Uniform (Flexi 1 set | Weekly 2 sets | Full 3 sets)
Wash Bag (toothbrush, toothpaste, comb/brush, shower gel, shampoo, roll on deodorant)
Reading book
Small teddy
Water bottle
We recommend that your child’s dressing gown, slippers, towel and wash bag remain in school for the term, all other items are packed in their weekly bag to ensure they are washed at home and ready for the following week.
All medication must be handed to the School Nurse or Houseparents and not remain in boarding bags. No food or snacks are allowed in boarding bags.
Bedding is provided by the school but we are more than happy for children to bring their own bedding (as long as it’s named!). If this is the case, two sets are preferable for when bed changes occur. Having their own bedding often helps the children feel that their bed is their special area.
We really encourage the children to bring in a couple of posters or photos to decorate their area. Again this makes their area more homely!
Full Boarders Additional Items
All personal items and school uniform must be clearly named/labelled; only sewn-in labels for clothing are acceptable (not iron on).
As well as the requirements given on the uniform list, we ask full boarders to have a couple of sets of home clothing for the weekends:
One smart set (chinos or smart jeans, shirt or polo shirt etc.)
One set of older clothes
One casual set (tracksuit or similar & a hoodie)
One warm, waterproof coat
These are then washed and ready for the following weekend. Washing is part of the daily routine and belongings are returned to the boarders within a day or two. Boarders should also have a home coat suitable for the season and one or two extra pairs of shoes/boots. They may use their school coat if they prefer (including hats and gloves as required). No food items, sweets or treats are allowed. School provides all necessary meals and treats for the boarders as appropriate. Hairdryers are provided on the girls’ floor.
No valuable items, smartwatches or gaming devices should be brought into school. Pocket money is controlled via the school accounts, a small amount is charged at the beginning of each term and distributed as needed, (approx. £35.00 per term). Any remaining money is refunded at the end of term. An empty wallet/purse would be advisable. No cash is required to be brought into school.
Full boarders should arrive with only one medium/large suitcase and a smaller rucksack style bag for day trips out. In addition, they need one small, packed case ready to go for exeats and half terms with at least 3 full sets of clothing.
All medication must be handed to the School Nurse