Key Stage 1
At Orwell Park, we aim to give each child the opportunity to grow and blossom. As your child enters Key Stage 1 (Year 1 and 2), we still have outdoor learning as a key part of our curriculum. This enriches and stimulates language, understanding and enjoyment. Fresh air breeds fresh thinking!
National Curriculum guidelines are followed and we pride ourselves on having staff who are up to date with current initiatives. We utilise the key objectives of the curriculum, interspersing it with our own planning, personalised to your child. We have specialist teachers for French, Digital Skills, Music and PE and we offer individual music lessons.
A challenging and stimulating curriculum leads to higher-level thinkers and learners.
The Pre-Prep is a secure and happy community which sets the following goals for every child:
to develop a passion for learning
to be committed to achieving high standards
to foster an inquisitive mind
to encourage independence and individuality
to nurture a sense of citizenship

Links with Parents
We pride ourselves on having strong home/school links and involve parents in a variety of ways. You will be invited on nature trails, picnics and many other events during the school year. We have an Open Door policy and we always welcome you into the classroom with your child.
The online Learning Journal, Tapestry does not stop in EYFS, we continue into Key Stage 1 to upload work, share photographs and keep you up to date with your child’s learning. This unique approach strengthens home/school links.
After School
In the Pre-Prep we offer child care support to parents who have commitments which fall outside the School day. This takes the form of Late Stay or After School Clubs. Late Stay is available from the age of three years and the clubs are for Years 1 and 2 pupils only. We offer an array of activities, prior to which refreshments are provided. These activities finish at 5pm and there is no extra charge except for Ballet and Karate. Cookery, Gardening, Digital Skills, Chess, Art and Craft, Story Telling and Poetry, Board Games, Fabric Painting, Scratch Art, Hama Beads, Outdoor Playground Games, Fun Factory, Ipads, Mindfulness Colouring, Clay Modelling, Rugby, Netball, Golf, Netball and Rounders are a selection of what is on offer.
Visit or Contact Us
To see our Pre-Prep and learn more about life at Orwell Park for our Key Stage 1 pupils, please arrange a visit or attend one of our upcoming open days.